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Guy Haegeman
Awards & Distinctions
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Administrative supervisor
05 October 2011 → 16 February 2012
Doctoral project Evelien Gellynck
Doctoral researcher: Evelien Gellynck
PhD Supervisor
02 June 2009 → 21 December 2015
Doctoral project Dariusz Ratman
Doctoral researcher: Dariusz Ratman
29 September 2008 → 11 October 2013
Doctoral project Linde Sabbe
Doctoral researcher: Linde Sabbe
01 July 2011 → 30 April 2014
Investigation of the role of dopamine D4 receptor modulation on µ-opioid receptor signaling
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2009 → 30 September 2016
Research into new mechanisms of the anti-inflammatory function of the glucocorticoid receptor.
Fellows: Ilse Beck
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 January 2008 → 31 December 2010
Research into the possible involvement of the serotonin 5-HT 7 receptor in Alzheimer's disease.
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2007 → 30 April 2011
Research on the mechanism of regulation of the mature human dopamine D4 receptor
Fellows: Anneleen Spooren
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 January 2008 → 31 December 2010
Role of cAMP-dependent signals in transcriptional regulation of the IL-6 gene in multiple myeloma
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2010 → 30 September 2014
Study of crosstalk between GPCR-mediated signals and the NF-kappaB signal transduction cascade.
Fellows: Krzysztof Kolmus
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2008 → 01 October 2010
Study of crosstalk between neurotransmitter and inflammatory signals in the context of neuro-inflammation
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2007 → 30 September 2009
Study of the impact of differential NF-kappaB p65 phosphorylation on the selective regulation of NF-kappaB--controlled genes.
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 January 2009 → 30 December 2011
Study of the molecular mechanism of corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2011 → 30 September 2015
The role of dopamine D4 receptor ubiquitination and functional differences between the polymorphic receptor variants
Fellow: Kamila Skieterska
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2009 → 01 October 2011
The role of dopamine D4 receptor ubiquitination and functional differences between the polymorphic variants.
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 January 2009 → 31 December 2014
The role of dopamine D4 receptor ubiquitination and functional differences between the polymorphic variants.
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
20 November 2007 → 03 June 2008
W&T-beurs D. Garcia (Cuba)
Funding: Federal funding: various
17 November 2009 → 17 November 2010
W&T-beurs Zhokov S.
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 January 2011 → 31 December 2014
Circumventing the Biological Obstacles of anti-inflammatory Glucocorticoid Therapy
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 January 2007 → 31 December 2010
Elucidation of the role of the PSeudomonas aeruginosa OprD porine in the internationalisation of this bacterium into CFTR airway epithelial cells as the determinative factor for the colonisation of cystic fibrosis patients
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2007 → 30 September 2013
Interactions in the endoplasmic reticulum which are important in the biogenesis of the dopamine D4 receptor
Fellows: Kathleen Van Craenenbroeck
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 January 2007 → 31 December 2011
Signal transduction in inflammation: from gene to organism
Funding: Federal funding: various