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Hendrik Vos
Awards & Distinctions
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01 January 2007 → 31 October 2011
European power in a period of malaise. The dynamics behind European trade policy towards developing countries
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2008 → 30 September 2012
Everybody needs good neighbours. The motives behind the European Neighbourhood Policy towards the Mediterranean
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2009 → 30 September 2013
Sport on the European agenda: a research into the dynamics behind the growing influence of the European Union
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2007 → 30 September 2010
The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland case) after accession (2004-2010): an illustration of the European Union as a civil power?
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2010 → 30 September 2014
The European public sphere in top-down perspective: the area of tension between the intentions and the reality of the communication policy of the EU analysed in three cases: the European president, the climate debate and the new Commission
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2007 → 30 September 2011
The European Union and the information gap: a political science analysis of the decisionmaking process and the autonomy of the Directorate-General Communication
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 May 2010 → 31 July 2010
The European Union and the information gap - a political scientific analysis of DG Communication at the European Commission
Fellow: Petra Huyst
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 December 2009 → 30 November 2010
The gender dimension in European development policy
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 January 2007 → 31 December 2011
fulcrum Foreign policy, tourism and leisure - thematic track Foreign Policy
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 October 2010 → 01 October 2012
Successfully mainstreaming gender in EC development cooperation and the relative importance of delegation, partner country and EC headquarters
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund