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Maria De Bie
Awards & Distinctions
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Administrative supervisor
12 August 2011 → 21 September 2015
Doctoral project Joris De Corte
Doctoral researcher: Joris De Corte
11 June 2009 → 29 September 2015
Doctoral project Karel De Vos
Doctoral researcher: Karel De Vos
25 March 2009 → 22 September 2013
Doctoral project Sabine Van Houte
Doctoral researcher: Sabine Van Houte
27 August 2012 → 22 September 2013
Doctoral project Sammy Kolijn
Doctoral researcher: Sammy Kolijn
14 November 2007 → 04 December 2012
Doctoral project Thomas Maeseele
Doctoral researcher: Thomas Maeseele
PhD Supervisor
28 August 2008 → 29 October 2013
Doctoral project Elias Hemelsoet
Doctoral researcher: Elias Hemelsoet
15 July 2015 → 31 August 2027
Alliance Research Group: Youth and social inequality
Funding: Ghent University funding
01 February 2008 → 01 September 2008
Designing a selfevaluation-instrument concerning a broad access to youth care
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
17 January 2008 → 31 August 2008
Evaluation of the ESF project "Hands on experts in poverty and social exclusion"
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 January 2009 → 31 December 2009
Expertise Formation children rights 2009 - kids V
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
15 October 2007 → 14 October 2011
Inclusion and exclusion in the field of youthwork. Practices of asking and supporting new youth leaders
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 February 2011 → 31 July 2011
International Francqui professor 2009-2010: Gert Biesta
Funding: Funding by bilateral agreement (private and foundations)
13 December 2011 → 31 December 2012
JOP-monitor Antwerpen-Gent
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 January 2010 → 31 December 2010
Leisure time of children in poverty
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
15 December 2007 → 30 September 2008
Migrant children deprived of their liberty
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 October 2012 → 16 February 2014
Participation as an educational perspective. Towards a lifeworld orientation.
Fellow: Dries Cardoen
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
04 May 2009 → 30 June 2010
Research into the needs and preferences of preventive care among families with young children
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 March 2008 → 28 February 2014
Study group Pedagogy of Social Work
Funding: Ghent University funding
01 January 2012 → 31 March 2016
Support centre policy-relevant research 3th generation 'Youth Research Platform'
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 January 2011 → 30 September 2016
Towards a better understanding of the nature of the relationship between local governments and private nonprofit organizations and its impact on the accessibility of service delivery.
Funding: Ghent University funding
01 October 2010 → 30 September 2014
Victim-offender mediation as social work practice. Analysis of the influence of intitutional, pedagogical and life world oriented rationales on victim-offender mediation practice
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 January 2007 → 31 December 2012
Beyond patronizing? The area of tension between educationalization and commercialization in the lifeworld of children
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 January 2008 → 31 December 2008
Coalition and expertise formation Children rights 2008
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 January 2010 → 31 March 2013
Effectieve Environmental Strategies for the prevention pf alcohol abuse among adolescents in Europe
Funding: European funding: framework programme