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Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij
Awards & Distinctions
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Administrative supervisor
04 September 2013 → 01 June 2017
Doctoral project An-Sofie Pinket
Doctoral researcher: An-Sofie Pinket
09 February 2012 → 21 May 2013
Doctoral project Adewale Luqman Oyeyemi
Doctoral researcher: Adewale Luqman Oyeyemi
11 April 2011 → 18 January 2013
Doctoral project Caroline Charlier
Doctoral researcher: Caroline Charlier
15 February 2011 → 26 June 2012
Doctoral project Evelyn Pauwels
Doctoral researcher: Evelyn Pauwels
13 November 2007 → 12 June 2014
Doctoral project Vera Verbestel
Doctoral researcher: Vera Verbestel
PhD Supervisor
26 January 2016 → 26 September 2016
Doctoral project Joachim Schouteten
Doctoral researcher: Joachim Schouteten
20 March 2013 → 17 May 2016
Doctoral project Ariane Ghekiere
Doctoral researcher: Ariane Ghekiere
20 March 2013 → 24 May 2018
Doctoral project Dorien Simons
Doctoral researcher: Dorien Simons
28 May 2010 → 27 August 2014
Doctoral project Ilse Gentier
Doctoral researcher: Ilse Gentier
24 March 2010 → 08 October 2015
Doctoral project Jelle Van Cauwenberg
Doctoral researcher: Jelle Van Cauwenberg
13 November 2007 → 28 November 2012
Doctoral project Eveline Van Cauwenberghe
Doctoral researcher: Eveline Van Cauwenberghe
13 November 2007 → 14 February 2012
Doctoral project Ragnar Van Acker
Doctoral researcher: Ragnar Van Acker
01 January 2020 → 31 December 2023
The Healthy Day: investigating the interaction between and the synergistic effects of physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep within preschoolers' 24-hour da
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2018 → 10 January 2023
The development and evaluation of an e- and mHealth intervention for overweight and obese adults to target a healthy lifestyle: a PERSONA-lised approach
Fellow: Helene Schroé
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 January 2016 → 31 December 2019
Development and evaluation of a self-regulation-based eHealth and mHealth intervention to promote physical activity: testing under controlled and real life conditions
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 November 2015 → 31 December 2016
Relationship between critical micro-environmental factors and physical activity: an experimental analysis
Fellow: Lieze Mertens
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2015 → 30 September 2019
Developing an M-health intervention for type 2 diabetics: a better understanding of how and for whom this technology can work.
Fellows: Louise Poppe
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 September 2015 → 30 June 2020
Development and evaluation of a self-regulation-based eHealth and mHealth intervention to promote physical activity: testing under controlled and real life conditions
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2014 → 30 September 2019
Promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors in primary schoolchildren: evaluation and implementation of an online video intervention for parents (“Movie Models”)
Fellow: Sara De Lepeleere
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 December 2013 → 30 November 2018
DEDIPAC - DIet, Sedentary behaviour, and Physical Activity To Create a Healthy life. JPI HDHL - DEDIPAC
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2013 → 07 January 2020
Development of intervention strategies to increase physical activity and to decrease sedentary behaviour among secondary schoolgirls using participatory health research.
Fellows: Maïté Verloigne
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2012 → 31 January 2020
Development and evaluation of an intervention to stimulate active living in recently retired adults
Fellows: Delfien Van Dyck
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2012 → 30 September 2016
The relative contribution of environmental and personal factors in explaining physical activity in the “oldest olds”
Fellow: Veerle Van Holle
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 September 2012 → 02 June 2013
Neighborhoud Environmental and Socioeconomic Correlates of Health Enhancing Physical Activity and Overweight among Adults in Nigeria
Fellow: Adewale Luqman Oyeyemi
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 May 2012 → 30 April 2014
Mediating and Moderating variable analysis in energy balance behaviours change interventions- an International collaboration
Funding: European funding: framework programme
01 March 2012 → 29 February 2016
SPOTLIGHT: sustainable prevention of obesity through integrated strategies
Funding: European funding: framework programme
01 February 2012 → 31 January 2016
Cyberbullying among adolescents: behavioural determinants and effectiveness of an intervention to promote active positive bystander behaviour
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 January 2012 → 31 December 2017
A comprehensive life-span approach to understand sedentary behaviour in its interaction with physical activity
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 January 2012 → 30 June 2016
Effectiveness of sustainable inter-organizational collaborations; case Buurtsport
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 January 2012 → 30 June 2016
Policy research center for Welfare, public health and family -UGent
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
08 December 2011 → 07 June 2013
development of a methodology to reduce sedentary behavior in the workplace
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 December 2011 → 30 June 2015
Promoting healthy eating behavior and physical activity and reducing sedentary behavior in primary school children: effect and processevaluation of an online video intervention in parents
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 October 2011 → 31 December 2012
Promoting the psychosocial reintegration of breast cancer survivors and their spouses: the development and evaluation of a web-based intervention.
Fellow: Evelyn Pauwels
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2011 → 30 September 2017
The evaluation of a computer-tailored intervention to reduced sedentary behavior.
Fellow: Katrien De Cocker
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2010 → 30 September 2011
Decreasing total sedentary time and prolonged/continued sedentary time in adults with a sedentary occupation: a randomized controlled trial.
Fellow: Katrien Wijndaele
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 September 2010 → 31 August 2014
International study of built environment, physical activity and obesity
Funding: European funding: various
01 March 2010 → 30 April 2014
Multifactorial evidence based appraoch using behavioural models in understanding and promoting fun, healthy food, play and policy for the prevention of obesity in early childhood
Funding: European funding: framework programme
01 January 2010 → 31 December 2015
Relationship between critical environmental factors and physical activity: an experimental analysis
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 March 2009 → 30 June 2011
Adapted physical activity counseling after oncologic pathology: a healthy outlook on the future
Funding: Funding by bilateral agreement (private and foundations)
01 March 2009 → 30 June 2011
Hand in hand to the future: the implementation of the electronic onco-roadmap
Funding: Funding by bilateral agreement (private and foundations)
01 February 2009 → 31 July 2012
EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth (ENERGY-project)
Funding: European funding: framework programme
01 January 2009 → 30 December 2011
Optimilisation and evaluation of a tailored fat and physical activity advice for adolescents
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2008 → 30 September 2012
Physical environmental factors related to physical activity in adults: identifying the contribution of 'activity-friendly' environments next to psycho-social factors and demographics
Fellow: Delfien Van Dyck
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 August 2008 → 31 December 2009
Specific Relationships between Physical Activity & MetalHealth The importance of considering gender & refiningrecommendations
Fellow: Melinda Asztalos
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2007 → 30 September 2011
Development and evaluation of a tailored fat and physical activity advice for adolescents
Fellow: Leen Haerens
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2007 → 19 October 2010
Environmental determinants of physical activity and overweight in children and adolescents
Fellow: Benedicte Deforche
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 August 2007 → 30 May 2010
TEENAGE: The prevention of socioeconomic inequalities in health behaviour in adolescents in Europe
Funding: European funding: various
01 June 2007 → 31 December 2009
Instruments for Assessing Levels of Physical Activity and fitness (ALPHA)
Funding: European funding: various
01 March 2007 → 31 January 2008
Bottom-up versus Top-Down strategy for decreasing soft drink consumption in secondary schools
Funding: Funding by bilateral agreement (private and foundations)
01 January 2007 → 30 June 2009
Health-promotion through obesity prevention across Europe: an integrated analysis to support European health policy
Funding: European funding: framework programme
01 January 2007 → 31 December 2008
Healthy eating for lower social economical classes - a tailored fat advice: a social educational project
Funding: Funding by bilateral agreement (private and foundations)
01 January 2019 → 31 December 2020
The development and evaluation of a tailored, selfregulated and guided mobile mental health promotion programme for adolescents, by optimizing their 24-hour patterns of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2018 → 30 September 2020
Stand Up, Stay Top! Tackling sedentary behavior in older adults through a feedback-based intervention
Fellow: Sofie Compernolle
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 September 2016 → 31 December 2017
Explaining diet quality, water intake and beverage consumption in European preschool children
Fellow: An-Sofie Pinket
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2012 → 31 August 2016
Testing of the ecological model to explain physical activity and overweight in 9- to 12-year-old children
Fellow: Sara D'Haese
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2010 → 30 September 2014
Mechanisms of low movement skill in overweight children
Fellow: Ilse Gentier
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 January 2010 → 31 December 2015
Project “Life-line”: More and safer mobility in children: the effectiveness of an intervention to promote active transport and to improve biking skills in elementary school children.
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2009 → 03 November 2012
Effectiveness of a multi-factorial intervention for the promotion of physical activity in preschool children
Fellow: Eveline Van Cauwenberghe
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2009 → 01 October 2010
Mechanisms of decreased motor competence in children with overweight.
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2008 → 01 October 2009
Effectiveness of a multi-factorial intervention to promote physical activity in preschool children
Fellow: Eveline Van Cauwenberghe
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 October 2007 → 01 July 2010
The role of processes of interpersonal influence in family systems in understanding children's eating behavior
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund