
Emergency request for approval of funds for bio-analysis of food and urine samples for suspected mycotoxins.

10 August 2016 → 31 October 2016
International funding: global institutions
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Laboratory medicine
laboratory tests aflatoxins
Project description

The United Republic of Tanzania notified WHO of a suspected outbreak of acute aflatoxicosis on 15 June 2016 currently affecting Dodoma and Manyare regions with 53 cases and 13 deaths reported as of 18 July 2016. Preliminary laboratory testing of food by Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority collected from the affected areas has revealed high levels of aflatoxin, suggesting that the outbreak was caused by aflatoxin poisoning. In addition a limited number of patient's blood specimens tested at CDC/Atlanta laboratory has also shown raised levels of aflatoxin. Following a national stakeholders meeting chaired by the ministry of health, it was decided to conduct further laboratory tests on the blood specimens and cereal food samples for other possible mycotoxins. WHO was requested to facilitate further laboratory investigations on the suspected outbreak. Based on guidance from WHO/HQ, and University of Ghent (Belgium) Laboratory has been identified and recommended as one of the few available specialized laboratories for bio-analysis of mycotoxins in cereal food samples and urine.