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Eric Van Ranst
Awards & Distinctions
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Administrative supervisor
10 January 2011 → 10 June 2015
Doctoral project Alemayehu Regassa Tolossa
Doctoral researcher: Alemayehu Regassa Tolossa
13 October 2008 → 14 September 2012
Doctoral project Basile Mujinya Bazirake
Doctoral researcher: Basile Mujinya Bazirake
07 January 2008 → 21 September 2014
Doctoral project Chandra Algoe
Doctoral researcher: Chandra Algoe
13 August 2010 → 16 January 2015
Doctoral project Hans Erens
Doctoral researcher: Hans Erens
28 March 2012 → 11 September 2017
Doctoral project Mathijs Dumon
Doctoral researcher: Mathijs Dumon
02 October 2012 → 21 April 2015
Doctoral project Ramesh Veloo
Doctoral researcher: Ramesh Veloo
17 March 2011 → 29 November 2012
Doctoral project Stephen Mwangi Mureithi
Doctoral researcher: Stephen Mwangi Mureithi
PhD Supervisor
28 March 2012 → 11 September 2017
Doctoral project Mathijs Dumon
Doctoral researcher: Mathijs Dumon
16 September 2008 → 23 September 2013
Doctoral project Yves-Dady Botula Manyala
Doctoral researcher: Yves-Dady Botula Manyala
01 January 2008 → 30 June 2008
Analysis of biweekly collected samples (Soil grid network in the forests of the Flemish region)
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
11 December 2007 → 31 March 2008
Analysis of biweekly collected samples (soil grid network in the forests of the Flemish region)
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
06 January 2009 → 30 April 2009
Analysis of water samples from the monitoring network for intensive monitoring of the forest ecosystem in the Flemish Region
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 April 2008 → 31 December 2008
Bridging loan for social or humanitarian reasons (ikv UNZA)
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
18 March 2011 → 17 March 2013
Carbon sequestration and ecosystem health in a restored tropical rangeland: assessing the effects of enclosures and grazing management
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
06 May 2013 → 05 July 2014
Develop and apply a methodology for the translation of the Belgian soil classification of the coastal polders to the international WRB system and generalizing the WRB-soil map for the whole of Flanders to the 1/250000 scale
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 September 2012 → 31 May 2016
Ecological impact of the spatiotemporal distribution of termite hills of the Katanga mine area and their agronomic potentiality in an ecological system Soils-Termite hills-Vegetation.
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 January 2014 → 31 December 2019
Formation of kaolinite subgroup minerals in tropical soil-saprolite sequences
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 January 2009 → 31 December 2010
ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer)
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 September 2008 → 30 September 2009
ICP Physical land resoucrses 2008-2009
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 September 2009 → 30 September 2010
ICP Physical Land Resources 2009-2010
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 December 2008 → 31 August 2011
Improvement of the fertility of strongly weathered and acid soils of the Katanga mine areas by using material of termite hills
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 October 2007 → 30 September 2012
Integrated modelling of volcanic systems and application to some poorly-known volcanoes in Africa
Fellow: Gerald Ernst
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 September 2007 → 29 August 2009
Manual of the soils of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 October 2007 → 30 September 2008
Master of Science in Physical Land Resources
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 October 2011 → 30 September 2013
M.Sc. in Physical Land Resources
Funding: Federal funding: various
12 May 2009 → 31 December 2009
Short Intensive Course on Microscopy of soils and regoliths in tropical and subtropical regions
Funding: Federal funding: various
17 March 2010 → 16 March 2012
WRB- The development and application of a methodology to convert the Soil Map of Belgium following the Belgian Soil Classification System into a soil map following the World Reference Base (WRB)for Soil Resources
Funding: Regional and community funding: various
01 May 2014 → 30 April 2019
X-ray diffraction equipment
Funding: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
01 October 2008 → 31 October 2013
A web-based application to predict hydrophysical properties of soils in Lower Congo for sustainable land management
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
01 April 2013 → 31 March 2015
Phase Out partner programme (2013-2014) for Institutional University Cooperation between University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa and the Flemish universities
Funding: Federal funding: various
01 January 2012 → 31 December 2012
Prediction of N2O emission from tropical forest: a modelar biosphere simulation environment (MobiLe) approach
Fellow: Nasrin Gharahi Ghehi
Funding: Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund