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Research Explorer
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ERC Grantees
Highly Cited Researchers
ERC grantees
Methusalem Grantees
Odysseus Grantees
Horizon Europe
Horizon 2020
Bart Lambrecht
Role of Endoplasmic Retriculum Stress in dendritic cells and immune-mediated lung disesases
Christophe Detavernier
Particle Nano Coater
Dries Van Thourhout
Ultralow power photonic integrated circuits for short range interconnect networks
Eva Brems
Strengthening the European Court of Human Rights: More Accountability through better legal reasoning
Frederick Verbruggen
Updating the Mind: the mechanisms behind behavioural change
Gilles Pourtois
How anxiety transforms human cognition: an Affective Neuroscience perspective
(Anxiety & Cognition)
Guy Marin
Multiscale Analysis and Design for Process Intensification and Innovation
Günther Roelkens
Mid-InfraRed Active photonic integrated Circuits for Life sciences and Environment
Johanna Barddal
The Evolution of Case, Alignment and Argument Structure in Indo-European
Joris Thybaut
Innovative Catalyst Design for Large-Scale, Sustainable Processes
Koen Bostoen
Political centralization, economic integration and language evolution in Central Africa: An interdisciplinary approach to the early history of the Kongo kingdom
Koen De Temmerman
Novel Saints. Ancient novelistic heroism in the hagiography of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages
Korneel Rabaey
Starting an electrical conversation between microorganisms and electrodes to achieve bioproduction
Kris Verheyen
Development trajectories of temperate forest plant communities under global change: combining hindsight and forecasting
Lieven Eeckhout
Datacenter Monitoring for Improving Insight and Efficiency
Lieven Eeckhout
Dependable performance on many-thread processors (DPMP)
Nathalie De Geyter
Plasma-assisted development and functionalization of electrospun mats for tissue engineering purposes
Peter Bienstman
Circuit-level Photonic design
Peter Bienstman
Peter Van Nuffelen
Memory of empire: the post-imperial historiography of Lata Antiquity
Rino Morent
Plasma penetration into porous materials for biomedical, textile and filtration applications (PLASMAPOR)
Roel Baets
Integrated photonics for breath analysis
Roel Baets
Silicon-photonics-based laser spectroscopy platform: towards a paradigm shift in environmental monitoring and health care
Tijl De Bie
Fair, Effective, and Sustainable Talent Management using Conditional Network Embedding
ERC Panel :
Tijl De Bie
Formalizing Subjective Interestingness in Exploratory Data Mining
Veronique Van Speybroeck
First principle chemical kinetics in nanoporous materials