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Urban distribution transport and logistics activities required to meet the needs of entrepreneurs, public institutions and consumers in our cities to specific goods and services. These are goods, but also loading and possibly even to consolidate and added value activities. Common problems such as untuned window hours, traders from the same neighborhood who all have them delivered independently, and ever smaller and more frequent shipments, causing inconvenience of urban freight transport. Think of traffic congestion, air pollution, noise and traffic hazard with truck traffic and pedestrians where our cities are increasingly facing. This allows them increasingly difficult to meet the high demands of users of the urban space in terms of livability, accessibility, security, employment and attraction to shops and businesses. Freight represents 20-30% of the urban vehicle kilometers (Dablanc, 2007) and 15-50% of the air pollution caused by transport activities in a city (Dablanc, 2007). This traffic is often organized individually and on traffic movements can certainly be optimized. In this final report will emerge, objectives, approach and results of the digital map are discussed which was designed to provide an overview of the current city distribution in Flanders. This current regulations to include deliveries are portrayed in every Flemish city. Based on this work can be targeted to a comprehensive local policy on urban distribution in Flanders.