
Fundamental interactions: at the boundary of theory, phenomentology and experiment

01 April 2012 → 31 December 2017
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Classical physics
    • Elementary particle and high energy physics
    • Other physical sciences
Project description

"Fundamental Interactions - be" and this website "" are a common effort of Belgian research groups involved in the various aspects of fundamental interactions.

The main goal of the participants is to further research in this frontier field.

An important means to reach these objectives at the highest scientific level is to engage in collaboration between the remarkably wide-reaching and complementary groups active in the country.

This collaboration also takes effect in important tasks, either inherent to research activities, like conferences, common courses, high level training, or complementary to them, as a service to society, like outreach aimed at the schools and at the general public.

It also offers a common window for the recruitment (which involves PhD students, Postdocs, and Faculty positions).