Social sciences
- Geography of mobility and transportation
- Human geography not elsewhere classified
Engineering and technology
- Transport planning
The current COVID-19 pandemic is likely to trigger more teleworking for a substantial share of employees in the coming years. However, existing studies have not yet come to a consensus on whether or not teleworking results in less overall travel, since fewer commute trips might be compensated for by more or longer trips for other purposes or even by relocating farther from work. Additionally, studies have not yet analysed how people might change their daily time use and how not commuting might influence subjective well-being. The proposed study has four objectives: 1. Examining the effect of teleworking on commuting patterns and the residential location choice; 2. Analysing the influence of teleworking on daily time use; 3. Evaluating the impacts of teleworking on subjective well-being; 4. Creating a comprehensive framework for the relationships between telework, and (changing) commuting patterns, time use and well-being. An online survey will collect data from employees who are easily able to work from home at least one day a week. In first instance, employees from Ghent University and the city of Ghent administration will be targeted (aiming at 2,000 completed surveys). This study will provide valuable insights into the effect of teleworking on overall travel demand, how people adjust their time use and how teleworking affects (emotional) well-being due to changes in daily activities and work-life balance.