
Ecoclusters: promote industrial symbiosis

01 March 2011 → 29 February 2012
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Strategic management
  • Engineering and technology
    • Energy generation, conversion and storage engineering not elsewehere classified
industrial symbiosis
Project description

The aim of this study is to initially evaluate initiatives around industrial symbiosis and find out what opportunities and obstacles currently exist to further expand industrial symbiosis. We see this both to existing, ongoing initiatives and to initiatives also stopped any reason. On this basis will be developed a framework to structurally support the exchange of waste flows within ecoclusters. This framework focuses on the specifications of a database / structure to bring the demand-and supply-side map, completed with recommendations and conditions that should allow market forces effectively and make it happen in an environmentally responsible manner. The conclusions will form the basis for a generic framework for exchanging -whether or not material-industrial residues. Within the study to also elaborates on the specifications of the database for the case "biomass".