
Development of peripheral equipment for conditioned X-ray nanotomography measurements

01 November 2007 → 01 September 2010
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Astronomy and space sciences
    • Condensed matter physics and nanophysics
    • Geology
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Medical imaging and therapy
    • Medical imaging and therapy
    • Other paramedical sciences
    • Medical imaging and therapy
multidisciplinary research climate chamber X-ray tomography multi-disciplinary
Project description

A nanofocus X-ray tomograph is a device that allows non-destructive scanning of the interior of materials and objects with a spatial resolution better than one micrometer. This project proposal aims at the development of peripheral equipment at the new nanotomograph of the UGent which will allow to study samples under specific conditions such as controlled temperature, level of humidity, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric composition, tensile forces, etc…