
Capacity building programme on domestic violence, sexual violence and female genital mutilation: A program aiming to improve the identification, the treatment/care/support for and the referral of victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and female genital mutilation.

01 January 2023 → 30 June 2025
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • General diagnostics
    • Geriatrics
    • Gynaecology
    • Emergency medicine
    • Paediatrics
    • Behavioural sciences
    • Psychotherapy
    • Health management
    • Hospital science and management
domestic violence sexual violence female genital mutilation hospitals trauma
Project description

Given the particularly high prevalence of sexual and domestic violence as well as female genital mutilation in Belgium, it is likely that every healthcare provider working within a Belgian hospital will regularly come into contact with victims of sexual and domestic violence as well as female genital mutilation. Consequently, it is imperative that each of these healthcare providers has the basic competences to better identify violence, provide the necessary victim-focused care and/or refer to appropriate specialised care, if any, and this for victims but also all other stakeholders such as support persons and assailants. This support programme therefore aims to improve the identification, treatment/guidance and referral of victims of intra-family violence, sexual violence and female genital mutilation, viewed from an overall holistic and victim-centred interdisciplinary care pathway. The programme consists of a training pillar, a tool development pillar and a communication and awareness raising pillar.

The programme is aimed at care providers as well as support staff in all Belgian hospitals. However, in order to strengthen care providers in an overall holistic and victim-centred interdisciplinary care pathway for victims and support persons, the various programme components will also be opened up to care providers from the 1st line (general practitioners, home nursing,...) who can provide referrals to the hospitals or who are situated in the aftercare.