
Improving quantitative research methods in socio-economics: A systematic analysis of stakeholder evaluation research

01 January 2021 → 31 December 2024
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Agricultural and natural resource economics, environmental and ecological economics
    • Business-to-business marketing
    • Consumer behaviour
    • Design of experiments
agri-food systematic review meta-research stakeholder analysis quantitative research methods
Project description

In line with my broad, empirical field of expertise in quantitative research in socio-economics, this research project will focus on methodological improvements and innovations in stakeholder evaluation in the agri-food sector, which is tightly connected to the domain of meta-research. I mainly aim to generate knowledge about decision-making of chain actors, by which both secondary and primary data will be scrutinized. More in particular, methods of studies will be identified and evaluated through the use of systematic analysis, with specific attention to metrics and biases. Furthermore, this type of analysis itself will be submitted to evaluation in order to study protocols for systematic (review/meta) analysis and tailor them to better address socio-economic issues.

This study caters to the need for this type of knowledge and protocols in this research domain, and anticipates to the growing interest from policy makers. The results will allow to identify methodological and empirical knowledge gaps and obtain meta-insights, which will underpin and valorize research at micro-level. Aside from contributing from a methodological perspective, this project will also improve the understanding of stakeholders' evaluation of innovations and practices in the agri-food sector, and therefore also contribute empirically/theoretically.