Natural sciences
- Macromolecular and materials chemistry not elsewhere classified
STRONG-UR aims to revolutionise surgical tissue reconstruction by producing next-generation bioprinted tubular tissue constructs, focusing on urethral tissue engineering. Urethral strictures affect approximately 0.6% of the male population, leading to persistent physical and psychological impairment in patients and imposing a significant economic burden on healthcare systems. The lack of effective techniques to heal and repair diseased urethras emphasises the urgent need to invest in innovative regenerative approaches. In this direction, bioprinting offers promising prospects through the production of customised tissue constructs with controlled cell composition and architecture. However, there is still a significant gap between laboratory studies and clinical application, which is why there is currently no reliable technology available for clinical use. STRONG-UR includes the development of modular, scalable bioprinter components and bioinks to bridge the current gap. The bioinks comprise smart hydrogels customisable to personalised urethral constructs, supporting desired cellular functions and enabling non-invasive monitoring for real-time treatment assessment. Two different approaches are proposed: a single stage in situ bioprinting approach for accelerated clinical translation and a multistage approach using GMP-manufactured components to induce vascularisation and promote tissue healing. In addition, a novel bioprinted in vitro urethral model is proposed as a human-based testing platform for more ethical and reliable preclinical assessments. The project is in line with EU health policy, addressing unmet clinical needs and supports a Europe fit for the digital age. With a 12-partner consortium composed of scientists, clinicians, and companies contributing to the whole value chain, supported by a state-of-the-art infrastructure and a proven track record of successful projects in this field, STRONG-UR represents the best team to deliver this ground-breaking work.