Natural sciences
- Ecology
- Environmental science and management
- Other environmental sciences
EMBRC-ERIC, or the European Marine Biological Resource
Centre, is a distributed European Research Infrastructure
Cluster, which provides and supports large scale and high
quality marine science in Europe. It was established to bring
together the distributed infrastructures and HR in European
marine research groups to answer Europe's challenges
related to food, health and global change. With 9 members
(Belgium, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Norway, Portugal,
Spain and the UK), this ERIC offers access to a portfolio of
research platforms, biological resources, analytical services,
training, expert advice and data, to users from academia to
industry. For Belgium, 5 Operators are involved: 4 Flemish
(UGent, VLIZ, KU Leuven and UHasselt) and 1 federal
(RBINS). With this proposal, the Flemish partners aim at
delivering top-level services and to coordinate and expand
the training component for EMBRC. By participating in
EMBRC, Flanders will be on the front stage of the Blue
Growth scenario, with fundamental and applied research
and education activities in sustainable aquaculture,
exploitation of living resources, blue biotechnology,
ecosystem health and marine management.