
HTML5: a master key for all platforms?

01 October 2012 → 30 September 2014
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Applied mathematics in specific fields
Project description

The HTML5 standard is developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to provide a comprehensive response to the requirements of modern web-based applications, without the use of external plug-ins or closed technologies. A second advantage is that this standard is compatible with all platforms, both desktop and mobile devices, and thus no longer separate versions should be developed. The term "HTML5" is used as a collective name for a set of specifications for the format, structure and manipulate the contents of web applications. Despite the widely recognized benefits, many companies hesitate to fully choose HTML5. First, the standard is still under development and a stable first draft only expected in the course of 2012. Secondly, there rages a fierce debate or web-based applications that run in a browser environment it can achieve the same performance, security and scalability. The aim of the TETRA project is to conduct a thorough study of the possibilities and limitations of HTML5 standard, through three proof-of-concept implementations to enterprise scale and scientifically test results. The broad target group of this project consists of all companies that wish to offer content on a range of devices. It is not only targeted at developers of innovative websites, eg. To replace the native mobile apps, but also to companies who wish to develop a high-performance front end for their business applications run within their own server environments or in the cloud. The project will result in the transfer of expertise and knowledge of the HTML5 standard for businesses. It was decided to structure the work in the first year on the basis of a number of proof-of-concept implementations. These are technical demonstrations in the fields of user interface, multimedia and networking. In the second year integrated demonstrations are built through pilot projects to the members of the user group. Rather than build this project, so practical hands-on experience provide theoretical and functional analysis of the standard that is directly implementable within Flanders.