
improving home garden soil fertility-Tshwane University- SA

01 July 2014 → 30 June 2016
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural animal production
    • Agricultural plant production
    • Agriculture, land and farm management
    • Other agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences
home garden
Project description

The focus of the project is on plant nutrition. It builds on local resources and knowledge, and aims at improv-

·j ing this knowledge through the application of scientific methods. The project will first investigate existing

nutrient management of garden soils, the materials that are being used to maintain or to raise the nutrient

content of these soils, and the crops which are grown in gardens, with specific attention to vegetables. This

can play a significant role in enriching starch-based diets with micronutrients. Subsequently, it will develop

guidelines for the use of local resources (various types of animal manure and composts) in the management

of plant nutrient availability for selected crops (nutrient-dense vegetables).