Natural sciences
- Systems biology
Vlakwa bundles various (water) actors in Flanders and aims
- supporting national and international valorisation;
- stimulating applied, complementary and demand driven research and development activities;
- to be the central point of contact, with a counter function for advice and information provision;
- spreading national and international water knowledge and experience;
- coordinating strategic advice support.
One of the instruments to achieve the above objectives, and more specifically objectives 2 and 3, is the continuation of the LED effect in the area of water technology. LED stands for Low-threshold Expertise- en Dienstverleningingscentrum and was conceived as part of an ERDF D2 dossier, in which LEDs were embedded in very diverse domains in West Flemish colleges. These aim to offer first-line help to companies, and in particular micro-enterprises, and non-profit organizations, and to advise, inform and guide them in the implementation of new technologies and methodologies.
Howest has access to Objectives 2 and 3, and in particular the LED effect, partly from the Master's degree programs in the Industrial Sciences in Biochemistry, Chemistry and Environmental Sciences (formerly Industrial Engineer) and the research groups EnBIChem. able to realize. In addition, Howest can submit an extensive track record in setting up service provision and applied research projects with, among others, SMEs. In the framework of the aforementioned ERDF D2 dossier and within the framework of the Vlakwa LED effect (period January 2011-December 2012), a successful LED operation in the field of water technology.
Howest puts these acquired experiences, including the results and business cases of the LED operation 2008-2012, at the disposal of Vlakwa and uses this as a basis to develop a further LED operation in the area of water technology for the benefit of Vlakwa. This specific LED operation is fully inscribed in the overall strategic and specific objectives of Viakwa