In this project, the services of Open Hiring will be developed and tested at companies in the Ghent Region, by means of prototyping, pilot study and impact evaluation. The project will focus on the target group of job seekers and inactive people with a migration background, and the project will result in a service blueprint, business model & scenario, as well as results of the impact evaluation.
More information about Open Hiring: Open Hiring TM is a radically new recruitment and selection method, without the traditional application procedure: a vacancy waiting list is opened for a vacancy, on which job seekers can register. The job is offered to the candidates on the waiting list, in order of registration. There is no selection interview, CV, motivation letter, test or reference checks. The candidate starts via a temporary contract (trial period), as a fully-fledged paid employee, and is evaluated on his / her performance during the performance of the position. The candidate is supported during this trial period by an external language and job coach. After the end of the trial period, the candidate is employed on an indefinite contract.
The project is funded by ESF, and developed in partnership with Divergent - Ghent University, Antwerp Management School, UNIZO & City of Ghent.