Social sciences
- Education curriculum
- Education systems
- General pedagogical and educational sciences
- Specialist studies in education
- Other pedagogical and educational sciences
The pursued objectives set by the King Baudouin Foundation through three different stages of research aiming to acquire ever deeper and richer quality information. The inventory phase focuses on analysis of project descriptions and structured interviews with the project manager (s) on the mapping of all existing student tutoringinitiatieven in Flanders. This leads to the development of an information card or passport which both administrative information is recorded, and the background and history of the project, the objectives, the specific characteristics inherent to the project and its results (or planning) of the evaluation of the project. The portrayal phase focuses on a more in-depth portrayal of the 11 tutoringinitiatieven supported during the 2007-2008 school year by the King Baudouin Foundation. For this purpose, the information card is deepened further and completed with a description of the course of the session, and tutor with the experiences and perception of the different question. 11, the portraits are further illustrated with video and / or photographic material. The development of the portraits done by means of semi-structured interviews with project managers and project using internal focus groups with the other actors of the projects. The evaluation phase focuses finally bring on the mapping of factors that are impediments and facilitating role in designing and implementing student tutoringinitiatieven.