
Analysis of nitrate nitrogen residue measurements in horticulture - Soil fertility and nutrient management.

01 February 2007 → 31 January 2008
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Soil sciences, challenges and pollution
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agriculture, land and farm management
nitrate nitrogen residue
Project description

The study focused on the vegetable crops sector. The contract on the one hand aims to make a comprehensive analysis of the nitrate nitrogen residue measurements of autumn 2006 plots for vegetable crops by correlating these measurements fertilization, cultivation and other data, including obtained by interviewing growers. Additionally, submit a second part in a desk study to be the influencing factors for the nitrate's listed qualitatively and quantitatively from a scientific standpoint. The project officer should propose practicable and scientifically residue standards for horticulture. It should also require an enumeration made of the cultivation technical adjustments in order to comply with these standards.