
EIT Raw Materials PhD Summer School - train the trainer version

02 January 2017 → 31 December 2017
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Ceramic and glass materials
    • Materials science and engineering
    • Semiconductor materials
    • Other materials engineering
summer school trainer
Project description

The objective of this project is to develop a tailor made entrepreneurship PhD Summer School in raw materials. This unique entrepreneurship PhD Summer School program is aimed at being the focal point of an ecosystem of learners consisting of students, professionals and wider society by bringing all corners of the knowledge triangle together. Its ambition is to become the reference program in entrepreneurship in raw materials as it meets the current lack of a relevant multidisciplinary PhD educational program that enriches raw material competencies with entrepreneurial skills. PhD students will not only be able to position their research in the whole raw materials’value chain, but will at the same time be able to assess the economic relevance of their research, its scalability and potential for turning it into a business. This proposal fits to the overall KIC EIT Raw Materials’ambition to boost competiveness, growth and attractiveness of the European raw materials sector via radical innovation and entrepreneurship as it bridges expert knowledge in the field of raw materials and entrepreneurship and triangulates students, experts and industrial partners to deliver real value adding solutions. The program has clear KPIs, is feasible to implement in the short term and will achieve a direct impact as it holds the potential to scale up from 2018 onwards with a clear ambition to increase impact, involve more partners (also from other CLCs) and interlink with other KIC initiatives. The focus for the year 2017 will be to build upon the lessons learned in DOCSUMSCO (the 2016 edition of the summer school) and take first steps towards further scaling. This PhD Summer School contributes towards stimulating the development of people that combine expert materials knowledge and an entrepreneurial mind-set to drive innovations and business creation with the aim of taking Europe to the forefront in raw materials.