Social sciences
- Business administration and accounting
- Management
The research project aims to align the organizational strategy, the business model, and the operational processes as this alignment is important for the long-term success of a company. The project is situated in the field of Business Informatics, which includes the use of a modeling method to provide a visual representation of the relevant elements that are identified in Strategic Management. Although related research addressed this issue, the problem still exists because of two main flaws of these efforts: the actual performance of the organization is neglected and it is hard for business people to understand and communicate about how the alignment can be improved. By solving these issues, a modeling method can improve the alignment between the strategy, business model, and processes of a company. A first version of this modeling method was already developed and applied in the context of a large software solution provider. The research project extends this first version by putting forward three main objectives. The first target includes the long-term application and evaluation of the modeling method in the context of a large Belgian bank. The second objective is the evaluation of the specific mechanisms that are part of the modeling method through a laboratory experiment with both students and business experts. The last work package aims to integrate the method with data analytics techniques to ensure that the impact of possible operational improvements can be predicted.