
Reading skills and reading motivation. An empirical didactic doctoral research in the classical languages (Latin and Greek) and Dutch.

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Classical literature
    • Literatures in Greek
  • Social sciences
    • Didactics of school subjects
reading skills classical language education reading motivation
Project description

This doctoral research aims to measure and promote reading skills and reading motivation among Flemish students in a classical language course. A first research goal is to map current reading didactics in classical language education through an extensive survey of Latin and Greek teachers. The second aim is to promote the reading motivation, reading quantity and reading comprehension of 16 year old Latin and Greek students through the implementation of extensive reading. Through a pretest-posttest intervention study, with an experimental group and a control group, we investigate the impact of the reading of novellas (easy readers) on students' vocabulary knowledge, reading comprehension (in the classical languages and in Dutch) and reading motivation. The research should culminate in concrete recommendations for teachers on how they can help positively develop their students' reading attitudes and reading strategy.