
Cultural-material history of architectural practice

15 January 2022 → 14 January 2026
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Cultural history
    • Design research
    • Sustainable design
    • Architectural heritage and conservation
    • Architectural practice
    • Architectural history and theory
    • Architectural design history and theory
  • Engineering and technology
    • Sustainable building
    • Architectural sciences and technology
    • Architecture not elsewhere classified
    • Sustainable buildings and cities
history of building materials production
Project description

This chair aims at creating a pole of competences on the material and cultural history of architecture, within the Architecture Theory and History research group. In the research areas that will be explored, history and material culture are central, but two other themes emerge as well: the cultural, social and environmental impacts of industrial production and use; and the possibility of recovering materials from the existing building stock, sometimes referred to as urban mining. Making the recovery of valuable used building materials possible has been my core preoccupation at Rotor. This research will pursue that effort in the very different, but empowering context of a research university. This pursuit asks for constant questioning of ingrained habits: a form of innovation which, counter-intuitively, only seldom involves technological novelties, while often requiring to venture outside engineering.