
Startup Financing CRC - CMI

01 January 2011 → 31 December 2019
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Systems biology
biobank network
Project description

The first objective of the CMI, which has already been completed to a large extent, is the five Flemish universities and the four Flemish university hospitals to build a biobank network as an essential tool for projects in the TBO. For the prospective collection of Biobank samples is the cooperation between the participating institutions and their CRC requires concerted because that way the widest possible population coverage to collect samples as possible. This is important because in a personalized medicine usually strongly delineated syndromes are investigated and dealt with, involving smaller groups of patients because of their stratification. On the basis of the inventory of the retrospective bio-banks and the needs for the translational biomedical research, have now been determined Focusbiobanken, which will be included in the biobank network as soon as the ICT backbone will be operational. The FFEU funds will allow to build all four connected CRCs for CRC Leuven in collaboration with Hasselt University, the infrastructure for a quality biobank. In a second phase, the CMI will focus on research and development projects for translational biomedical research, which every stakeholder can contribute, and which may or may not use can be made of the CMI biobank network, within the limits of the strategy and the rules and that take account of the Standard Operating Procedures for the use of biobank samples.