
Mobilisatie van burgers voor de vitale steden Ljubljana-Gent-Zagreb-Brno-Porto

Andere organisaties
→ Partner
Agricultural institute of Slovenia [Ljubljana, Slovenië]
Austrian Mobility Research (FGM-AMOR) [Graz, Oostenrijk]
Câmara Municipal do Porto [Porto, Portugal]
De Lijn (Belgium) [Mechelen, België]
Digipolis (Belgium) [Antwerpen, België]
Etrel (Slovenia) [Grosuplje, Slovenië]
European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Co-Ordination (ERTICO ) [Brussel, België]
Fernando Pessoa University (UFP) [Porto, Portugal]
Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) [Ljubljana, Slovenië]
Ljubljana Passenger Transport (LPP) [Ljubljana, Slovenië]
Polytechnic Institute of Porto [Porto, Portugal]
Prometni institut Ljubljana [Ljubljana, Slovenië]
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) [Szentendre, Hongarije]
Rupprecht Consult - Forschung & Beratung [Keulen, Duitsland]
Tractebel Engineering (Belgium) [Brussel, België]
University of Ljubljana (UL) [Ljubljana, Slovenië]
University of Porto [Porto, Portugal]
Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) [Ljubljana, Slovenië]