
Human factors integration in assembly line balancing and feeding models.

01 October 2023 → 30 September 2027
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Operations research and mathematical programming
  • Social sciences
    • Logistics and supply chain management
    • Production and service management
    • Mathematical methods, programming models, mathematical and simulation modelling
ergonomics assembly line feeding assembly line balancing worker preferences mixed-model assembly
Project description

Assembly lines are today ubiquitous for producing a wide variety of goods over various industries. On a tactical level, there are two important decisions: the assembly line balancing and the assembly line feeding problem. Although there can be some automation in the process, due to a. o. the need for highly flexible assembly systems, these still rely heavily on cognitive and motor skills of human workers. However, integrating human factors in planning models is still in its infancy. This is this research project’s chief goal: develop more realistic models which result in both operational performance improvements and increased worker satisfaction and well-being. First, individual preferences of assembly line workers will be integrated in the balancing process. Next, ergonomic aspects will be taken into account when deciding on the material feeding policies. Finally, as there is an interdependence, an integrated model for assembly line balancing and feeding  will be developed and solved.