
Food science, technology and engineering - European Joint Doctorate training towards knowledge, skills and mobility

01 September 2016 → 31 August 2020
European funding: framework programme
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Food fermentation
fermentation brewing energy
Other information
Project description

The objective of the proposal is to train 8 early stage researches (ESR) in an innovative, international PhD program, to become top-class specialists and professional leaders,highly demanded in the job market, ready to introduce innovations and manage advanced research. The completion of the training programme will provide ESRs with appropriate knowledge, skills and awareness of the science-business reality, crucial for scientific and/or commercial based research project.
the training objectives will be achieved by participation in:
-Specialized courses, to gain: a) knowledge in food science, microbiology,malting and brewing technology,b) experience in using high-tech analytical equipment,c) managerial and business skills (generic skills,industrial economics, project management,research design and data analysis);
-an international research project team, using the facilities of multi-institutional consortium;
-academic and industrial internships.
Consequently,ESRs will be awarded a double doctoral degree in food science and/or engineering. The main goals of the research are:
1) development of innovations in malting and brewing technologies ( to reduce demand for energy) and new protocols for yeast preparation;
2) verification of their impact on the quality and stability of the products;
3) acquiring new scientificknowledge on formation and relezase of staling aldehydes.
The consortium of top class universities, institutes and industrial partners, with an on-going history of co-operation, will provide an outstanding opportunity for young,ambitious and brave researchers to realize their potential.the academic organizations involved (University of Agriculture in Krakow PL, University of Copenhagen DK, University of Nottingham UK, University of Ghent BE,Tehcnische University Berlin DE, and KU Leuven BE), will be supported by partners: VLB Berlin DE, FlavorActiV UK, Carlsberg Group DK and Boortmald BE, to ensure well bealanced research-business environment.

Role of Ghent University
UGent supervises the PhDs focusing on yeast performance and new fermentation processes in the beer production. UGent will provide advanced courses to each of the ESRs about all aspects of brewing microbiology: technology and fermentation with pure yeast cultures, microbiology of contaminants and spoilage micro-organisms and of specialty beers (spontaneous and mixed fermentation) and state of the art techniques for the analysis of yeast metabolites and for the identification of new bio-markers.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the authority can be held responsible for them.