Andere organisaties
→ Partner
Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) [Parijs, Frankrijk]
Austrian Academy of Sciences (OAW) [Wenen, Oostenrijk]
Centre for Energy Research (MTA EK) [Boedapest, Hongarije]
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) [Madrid, Spanje]
Comenius University [Bratislava, Slovakije]
Dublin City University (DCU) [Dublin, Ierland]
Dutch Research Council (NWO)
Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) [Jülich, Duitsland]
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE)
Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP) [Praag, Tsjechië]
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM) [Warschau, Polen]
Institutul de Fizică Atomică (IFA) [Măgurele, Roemenië]
Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) [Ljubljana, Slovenië]
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) [Karlsruhe, Duitsland]
Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (KIPT) [Charkov, Oekraïne]
Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) [Kaunas, Litouwen]
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) [Rome, Italië]
National Centre of Scientific Research Demokritos [Athene, Griekenland]
Royal Military Academy [Brussel, België]
Rudjer Boskovic Institute (RBI) [Zagreb, Kroatië]
Swedish Research Council [Stockholm, Zweden]
University of Malta [Msida, Malta]
University of Tartu (UT) [Tartu, Estland]
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT ) [Espoo, Finland]
→ Coördinator
Max Planck Society (MPG) [München, Duitsland]
→ Associated partner
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) [Tromsø, Noorwegen]
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) [Abingdon, Verenigd Koninkrijk]