
The essay following the new documentary turn in performing arts: Tracing the essay in contemporary theatre and performance practices.

01 October 2018 → 30 September 2023
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Theatre and performance
performing arts Philosophy Theatre and performing arts Art
Project description

In the 16th century, Michel de Montaigne developed the essay. This new literary genre was characterized by the abrogation of judgment, the questioning of authority, the overlap between fact and fiction, a mixing of styles and a heavy use of quotations. In an age marked by upheaval, he
tried through writing comprehend his superfluous time. To essay means to assay, to weigh but also to challenge, to test and to attempt. Montaigne thus reflected on religious, social and political problems in his essays and challenged the fixed ideas of his time. In the following centuries, many authors followed Montaigne’s example and brought the essay to the level of an established literary genre. The qualities of the essay did not remain unnoticed for other artistic disciplines. In the 20th century, filmmakers borrowed strategies and methods from the written essay and adapted them to their practices. The transformation of the written essay to experimental film was defined as ‘Essay film’. Today we see a similar trend in documentary practices in performing arts. Many of the strategies, methods and discourses used by documentary-artists are derived from the essay. Although the essay and its theorization has been extensively studied in literature and film studies, a similar theoretical framework is lacking in theatre and performance studies. My research fills this theoretical lacuna by constructing a new theoretical framework for the study of the rise of the essay in contemporary performing arts.