Natural sciences
- Statistics not elsewhere classified
- Geophysics not elsewhere classified
- Aquatic sciences, challenges and pollution not elsewhere classified
Engineering and technology
- Environmental engineering design
- Environmental technologies
Turbidity and SPM (suspended particulate matter) are currently being measured in the water column either in 1D (moorings, Niskin samples) or 2D (ADCP transects). However, a 3D approach is recommended, as the variability can be high, especially in the Belgian part of the North Sea. In TURBEAMS, we want to develop a methodology which leads to 3D SPM and turbidity imaging based on multibeam watercolumn data. We will build on the results of the Belspo-funded TIMBERS project by collecting co-located datasets of the acoustic instruments of the RV Belgica and in-situ SPM and turbidity sensors. This will result in a number of empirical relationships, which will allow the conversion of multibeam backscatter values into quantitative SPM and/or turbidity information. As such, a relatively fast 3D image can be obtained, which would be extremely relevant for science and industry.