
hte interface between memory and language in multilingualism

01 January 2013 → 31 October 2018
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Animal experimental and comparative psychology
    • Applied psychology
    • Biological and physiological psychology
    • General psychology
    • Human experimental psychology
    • Other psychology and cognitive sciences
    • Education curriculum
    • Education systems
    • General pedagogical and educational sciences
    • Instructional sciences
    • Specialist studies in education
    • Other pedagogical and educational sciences
instructional interventions learning language comprehension language production advance organizers memory bilingualism
Project description

A majority of the word population speaks more than one language but many questions remain about the processing of a second language and the relationship between language and memory. For instance, what exactly makes it more difficult to understand text or speech in a second language? A multidisciplinary team of psycholinguists and eduaction scientist investigate such issues using experimental methods.