
Cartography and analysis of the Reception education for minor newcomers (OKANS)

01 September 2014 → 31 August 2016
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Education curriculum
    • Education systems
    • General pedagogical and educational sciences
    • Specialist studies in education
    • Other pedagogical and educational sciences
Reception education minor foreign mother tongue newcomers student diversity
Project description

This study includes a critical analysis of the actual practices of OKAN (inset allocated resources, organization, roles and profiles of actors at school level) and the impact of the OKAN school careers of these students. This critical analysis is realized through a layered study design: 1) reconstruction of the school careers of OKAN lln on the basis of administrative databases; 2) online survey of relevant actors at school and intermediate level; 3) in-depth case studies of five BaO and 5 schools and SO 4) expert seminars aimed to test some results and recommendations. The findings are widely disseminated and accessible based on various valuation products. Often OKAN reduced to a language problem and threatens OKAN education be reduced to only language. In this study we will OKAN critical analysis from a broad conception of OKAN.