Andere organisaties
→ Coördinator
Aalborg University (AAU) [Aalborg, Denemarken]
→ Partner
Campden BRI (Hungary) [Boedapest, Hongarije]
Campden BRI (United Kingdom) [Chipping Campden, Verenigd Koninkrijk]
Danish Technological Institute (DTI) [Taastrup, Denemarken]
Dutch Research Council (NWO)
Fraunhofer Society (FHG) [München, Duitsland]
German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL) [Quakenbrück, Duitsland]
Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto (INESC TEC) [Porto, Portugal]
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) [Rome, Italië]
National Research Council (CNR) [Rome, Italië]