Medical and health sciences
- Toxicology and toxinology not elsewhere classified
MycoKey aims to generate innovative and integrated solutions that will support stakeholders in effective and sustainable mycotoxin management along food and feed chains. The projec will contribute to reduce mycotoxin contamination mainly in Europe and China, where frequent and severe mycotoxin contaminations occur in crops, and where international trade of commodities and contaminated batches are increasing. MycoKey will address the major affected crops maize, wheat and barley, their associated toxigenic fungi and related mycotoxins (aflatoxins,deoxynivalenol,zearalenone,ochratoxin A,fumonisins). The project will integrate key information and practical solutions for mycotoxin management into a smart ICT tool (MycoKey App), providing answers to stakeholders, who require rapid,customized forecasting,descriptive information on contamination risk/levels, decision support and practical economically-sound suggestions for intervention. tools and methodologies will be strategically targeted for cost-effective application in the field and during storage, processing and transportation. alternative and safe ways to use contaminated batches will be also delivered. The focus of MycoKey will be: i) innovating communications of mycotoxin management by applying ICT,providing input for legislation,enhancing knowledge and networks; ii)selecting and improving a range of tools for mycotoxin monitoring; iii) assessing the use of reliable solutions, sustainable compounds/green technologies in prevention,intervention and remediation. The multi-disciplinary consortium, composed by scientific, industrial and association partners (32), includes 11 Chinese institutions and will conduct the 4 years programme in a framework of international networks.