
Gent Study on aircrew atypical work V2

01 July 2024 → 30 September 2025
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Social law
Project description

The COVID-19 pandemic, has strongly challenged all actors within European aviation, not least the social partner organisations. Where media and union sources reported about the impact of the crisis, empirical and scientific data/ evidence regarding the proliferation of working conditions and the complications with meeting employers' obligations is, however, rare and incomplete. A current view on the aviation working landscape is lacking and would gain the social partner organisations power in the social dialogue context. With the proposed action social partner organisations from both workers (ECA and ETF) and employers (ENAA) side take the initiative to work towards this much needed update, this in cooperation with the scientific research team from the Ghent University.
The general goal of the action is to strengthen the (position of social partner organisations in the) debate and negotiations pertaining to the right on (e)quality in/of employment, the sustainability of the (mis)used strategies in European Aviation and give the necessary attention and focus to the importance of human capital. This project consist on the reedition of the study on Atypical Employment in Aviation performed by the University of Gent 10 years ago. This study was an eye opener for Europe regarding the status of employment and working conditions in Europe. It is now time collect updated data and establish a comparison, analyzing the evolution in the las decade and presenting possible trends and challenges for the future.
The study will take up the same topics and new developments using traditional methods such as surveys, interviews, seminars and literature reviews. The project will develop other techniques to get information in places where traditional methods are less successful.
The Institutions and Member States often complain abut the lack of data concerning employment and working conditions of flight crew. This study aims to give the best possible snapshot of aircrew employment and working conditions. The aim is to provide solid basis for addressing the social challenges faced by the airline sector.

Role of Ghent University