Within the normal life of the project (. Com until 31.08.2014) the main research questions were answered: a) state of affairs with regard to the current level of motor development of children, b) impact assessment of the MultiMove program in the general motor skills and attitude move about varied among parents and teachers, c) the impact of some additional factors such as socio-economic, physical activity level and degree of urbanization. During the investigation, however, need to be some points of interest discussed which will be charged for optimum roll-out on a large scale, especially with regard to the quality control of the MM program. This aspect can be divided into five sections: the development of a practical tool for MultiMove providers and the scientific basis of four specific policy questions. To this end, most of the data already gathered within the raw data set from the experimental stage for September 2014, allowing additional data set to a minimum can be limited. Developing practical tool for MultiMove providers: reducing test battery monitoring by teachers To further investigate the impact of MM is demand for a limited test battery and permitting an accurate reflection of the motor development of the child. Therefore, it will be made a scientifically based proposal for a test battery that meets the following criteria: a) The recorded tests are to take place in a limited time b) The tests are a good reflection of the general motor c) There is little material needed d ) the tests are sensitive enough to a change in competence over a relatively short period (lecture series) to measure e) the tests meet the scientific criteria of validity and reliability This instrument teachers should allow yourself to easily progress development to assess the participants, and to use this information both as motivation for participating children.