
Benchtop low-resolution NMR spectrometer with gradient probe.

01 December 2020 → 30 November 2022
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Soft condensed matter
    • Surface and interface chemistry
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Physical pharmacy
LR-NMR physico-chemical characterization solid fat content water droplet size distribution oil droplet size distribution
Project description

The many applications (droplet size; chemical composition; crystallization; bound water) of low-resolution NMR for research of various products (food, pharma, chemicals) and its non-destructive, as well as non-invasive nature make this technique truly indispensable for the research groups involved in this project. Moreover, it is an essential technique that should remain available within the UGent research community. In order to enable further valorization of our expertise and further growth in related research, a new low-resolution NMR analyzer equipped with gradient probe is indispensable.