
Optimization Emission Inventory Volatile Organic Compounds of sectors "coating", "dry cleaning" and "cleaning and degreasing"

15 May 2008 → 30 April 2009
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Organic chemistry
volatile organic compounds
Project description

The assignment is an update and optimize the emission inventory NMVOC for the specific source categories: the 'coating sector,' 'industry' 'cleaning and degreasing of metal "" and "" dry cleaning sector.' Specifically: - An assessment of the Flemish NMVOC emissions for 2007 by the 'coating industries' sub sectors. This implies a enquëtering of all businesses within the various sub-sectors regarding production figures, solvent content, emission reduction measures, ... will also be asked to determine a correction factor in relation to available data so that a VMM-estimations in the future is possible. - a detailed methodology for 'sectors' cleaning and degreasing '' and '' dry cleaning '' and an emission-year range 1990-2007. It must also be an instrument to be drafted an emissions inventory annually in the future.