
Ecotoxicity of metal mixtures to aquatic communities: something from nothing?

01 January 2018 → 31 December 2021
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
No data available
Project description

Chemical contamination is still a likely reason for EU waterbodies not to reach a “ood ecological

status” However, risk assessment of contaminated waterbodies is mainly focused on a substanceby-

substance basis, while mixed contamination is the rule rather than the exception. This is

definitively the case for toxic trace metals such as zinc, nickel and copper, which often occur close to

their legally allowed environmental limits. Chronic ecotoxicity data, many of which generated and

analyzed by the applicants in a recently concluded joint FWO project, have shown significant

mixture effects in individual species. Even in cases where each individual metal was harmless, the

metals caused significant harm when dosed in combination. This is called the “omething from

nothing”phenomenon. Indirect evidence and standard risk modeling suggest that this phenomenon

could even be more pronounced in certain multi-species communities, for instance because

synergies could emerge via the foodweb, but there is hardly any experimental data to evaluate this.

The general objective of this project is therefore to quantify and increase our understanding of

metal mixture effects on planktonic freshwater community structure and function. We will combine

experimental approaches with ecological modelling to identify conditions leading to “omething

from nothing”effects on communities. Our research will ultimately find its application in improving

metal mixture risk assessment.