
Tunisian Cooperativism.

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2027
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Comparative politics
    • Development studies
    • Political economy
    • Social change
Rural sociology Theories of Development Rural Development
Project description

TUNCOOP draws on untouched archives and ethnographic interviews with planners, cooperators, and their descendants to create knowledge that can help us understand the impact of past rural planning on the past, the memory of the past in the present, and therefore what lessons must be drawn from it in order to sketch out possibilities for future planning. It offers illustrative insight not merely into “what went wrong” in the course of post-colonial planning; in offering a political sociology of the state and juxtaposing it with an intellectual history of critiques and alternative modalities of cooperativization that were common throughout the 1960s, we understand the political forces which foreclose alternative futures. This project gains into the sediment of political subjectivities which is the socio-cultural topography for any attempt at contemporary development. In this way, TUNCOOP uses the case of Tunisia to not merely offer empirical and theoretical deepening of a certain historical experience but to help us understand the challenges for coordinated contemporary rural development. Furthermore, TUNCOOP bridges a set of literatures often conceived in isolation, drawing insights from the study of peasant subjectivity in critical agrarian studies, the archival methods of post-colonial history, and the history of macro-planning to understand the role of peasants in planning and the prospects of planning for peasants.