
Defining molecular pathways triggered by IL-10 and TGFb that drive HIV integrationand persistence in Tfh cells in lymph nodes

NIH Pereira Ribeiro
01 July 2023 → 30 June 2025
International funding: global institutions
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Virology
HIV infectious diseases
Project description

The HCRC will receive samples from Emory University in this project (extracted DNA and RNA and plasma). HCRC will perform total HIV DNA, intact proviral DNA assay analysis and CA RNA analysis using a higher order multiplex platform (5 color). HCRC will perform single genome sequencing of plasma virus (SGS). In addition, HCRC will perform -unique modified identifier- nanopore based sequencing to obtain near full length sequences in semi high throughput manner. HCRC will perform MIP-seq which evaluates HIV integration sites and linked proviral sequences; or regular ISLA when needed. Finally, HCRC will validate new findings by CRISPR-CAS mediated knockout of new targets to be cross validated in this project.