

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Vascular diseases
    • Gynaecology
    • Gynaecological surgery
Lymphedema Quality of Life Gynecologic cancer gynecological tumors Risk Factor Identification
Project description

Gynolymph = Trial to inventory the incidence of early and advanced stage lower

limb lymphedema in patients treated for gynaecologic

cancer (started in 2021 and sponsored by “kom op tegen Kanker” till 2025)


Four hundred patients with diagnosis stage 1-3 gynaecologic cancer are

included in an observational cohort between diagnosis until maximum 2 weeks

after start of the first treatment. They will be followed for occurrence of lower

limb lymphedema up till 2 years after their last treatment.

Data on signs and symptoms, quality of life, time investment and financial

expenses will be collected, to provide information on the incidence and risk

factors for lower limb lymphedema, and on its impact on patients, regarding

quality of life, sexual well-being and time- and financial investment.

Patients developing early stage LLL enter an interventional sub-cohort, in which

the effect of class II compressive garments on preventing evolution towards

advanced stage LLL will be evaluated.

To detect a difference, in the interventional sub-cohort 109 subjects are required

per group to have at least 80% power. To correct for drop out we planned to include 400 patients.


As  attaining now  the planned recruitment period of 24 months and the recruitment number is still not reached, we want to prolong the  recruitment period and need budget