
Evaluation of Crisis and Case Management (ECCAM)

01 October 2008 → 31 July 2010
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Orthopedagogics and special education
crisis management
Project description

The proposal consists of a stepwise evaluation of the above crisiopvangmogelijkheden. In a first goal we want to make a '' epidemiological mapping 'of the facilities, which not only their number but also treating their patient population, force structure, and networking FINANCE describes other amenities. It will go well here all subsidized CICs as all pilots' crisis and case management. We note that there are larger and smaller differences between these units, eg. at the level of the characteristics of the target, or very concrete operation of the units (whether or not cooperation with other relevant structures / actors in the environment). The units involved are: UZ Leuven, Sint-Jan Brugge, Ghent University Hospital, Ziekenhuis Oost Limburg Genk, Antwerp AZ, CHR de la Citadelle Liege, the CHR Namur, CHU Brugmann Brussels. Moreover, it is true that two models should be tested, especially (a) a 'integrated model' in which both 'pure' crisis psychiatric problem areas can be addressed as drug-related emergency psychiatric problem areas, and (b) 'unique units' 'anderzijs, in which treated wroden only drug-related cris hissing. Only AZ Antwerp and CHU Brugman have an integrated unit A second objective is to define the term 'crisis'' in the context of the target groups of these facilities. Because of the crisis herogeniteit the concept we want to pursue a psychological and psychiatric contextual definition of the term. A third objective is to identify the specific tasks of case management for the target population. In addition to a description of the target audience, the reach, the case load, the objectives and the process we want to examine to what extent other core tasks can be added to the job description of the case manager within the crisiopvang of these patients. a fourth objective is to provide a health economic view of the results obtained in the first four goals. A fifth and final goal of this research proposal is to formulate recommendations. From the description of the current situation of crisis and case management, we want to identify gaps from here to formulate a set of recommendations for better coordination of the care the care.