
Possibilities of oral vaccination of pigs against Aujeszky's disease

01 December 2008 → 31 May 2009
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Microbiology
    • Systems biology
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Microbiology
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Microbiology
aujeszky's disease virus
Project description

The Aujeszky virus (AV) no longer circulates in domestic pigs in Belgium (AFSCA reports). Therefore, it will be stopped in the near future vaccination. This Belgian pig population will be within a period of three years of full immune evolve into completely naive. This makes our domestic pigs fully susceptible to the virus. Upon contact with the virus, it will lead to clinical outbreaks and heavy financial losses. Wild boars are a wild reservoir of the AV and pose a potential hazard. Recent studies of the ARSIA has revealed that 20-30% seropositive (Czaplicki, verbal communication). Seropositive animals carry the virus in a latent form and reactivation they can turn secrete the virus. In a primary infection it also comes to a sharp virus excretion, and this for two weeks. This virus reservoir poses a threat to our domestic pigs. The virus is the best geëradiceerd the boars through intensive vaccination. Since it is practically not possible to vaccinate the animals by intramuscular route, an alternative must be sought. Peroral vaccination may be the solution. In this project, pigs will be immunized by two approaches: (i) by means of a paste in which it is the intention to allow pasting at the level of the pharynx, and may increase the local to the vaccine virus, and (ii) over-coated pellets or nano-particles which the vaccine virus will protect against stomach acid and many enzymes in the stomach and intestine. Microparticular These formulations may then also be coated with a lectin which allows for targeting to the intestinal mucosa. If lectin will be chosen for Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) capable of binding to enerocyten (Clark et al., 2000). The vaccine virus will multiply release, locally and at the height of the lymfold tissue of the small intestine to stimulate immunity. The increase in the height of the pharynx and the jejumum / ileum will generate a local and general immunity which is to protect swine against infection with the wild-type virus.