
Monitoring the effects of offshore wind farms on the endobenthos of soft substrates.

01 April 2008 → 31 December 2016
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Geology
    • Aquatic sciences, challenges and pollution
endobenthos of soft substrates
Project description

Determining the one-year state of macrobenthic endofauna (macrobenthos) on the Thornton Bank and to identify possible effects of the construction and operation of the first wind turbines; - the baseline condition of the benthos in the reserved area of ​​Belwind, in particular the Bligh Bank, to be examined as a basis for assessing the impact of the construction and operation phases of the wind farm (including the effects caused by the closure of the area for beam trawling and sand dredging ) and the identify of a suitable reference region; - the complex functional-ecological aspect of benthic macroinvertebrates and demersal fish by including integrating the results of this study with the synchronous studies epi benthic and demersal fish fauna.