
Counterfactuals in the History of Greek: An Enriched Diachronic Typology using a Context-Sensitive Evolutionary Model.

01 October 2019 → 01 November 2019
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Language studies not elsewhere classified
    • Linguistics not elsewhere classified
Counterfactual constructions diachronic typology grammaticalization evolutionary cycles Ancient Greek diachronic conceptual space semantic map usage-based approach context-sensitive evolutionary model Common Ground collocation patterns
Project description

This project analyses counterfactual constructions in the history of Ancient Greek (from 750BCE to 100CE). These counterfactuals are largely unstudied and more diverse in types than analysed before in linguistics. Previous research has yielded premature generalizations on the nature and evolution of counterfactuals. Therefore I will develop a quantifiable context-sensitive evolutionary model to provide an enriched diachronic typology of counterfactuals