
Study on "the analysis of the needs for innovation support technology-intensive start-ups in Flanders"

01 January 2008 → 30 April 2008
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Business administration and accounting
    • Management
High tech startups
Project description

High tech start-ups are often seen as an important source of value creation, innovation and employment in an economy. Research shows that only a small percentage of these starters is responsible for the major share of employment and wealth creation. A lot of tech start-ups do not grow. The main reason for food appears to lie in the fact that these starters have difficulty accessing resources, such as financial, technological and human resources, which should allow them to grow. In response, many governments launched initiatives to increase the accessibility of scarce, but much-needed funds for starters. In Flanders, among others IWT VIN and a pack of services and products that include high-tech start-ups can appeal. IWT need to do an evaluation of the existing services to these starters to ascertain the needs of this group of companies in terms of innovation, and to what extent the current instruments respond to these needs. Below we explain how we wish to carry out this evaluation. The objective of this study is twofold: firstly, to be provided insight into the innovation support needs of tech start-ups, and also must be examined to what extent these needs match with the current offer.